
GMRS Frequencies

GMRS Radio - GMRS license - GMRS repeaters


GMRS Radio Range

Just how far can you talk on a typical GMRS radio?  Well, for starters, there is really no typical GMRS Radio, per se.  If you see a GMRS radio bubble pack of walkie-talkies claiming "10 miles" as range, it probably is a 1 watt (or even less) radio.  The good folks at Motorola put together a nice little video that explains it fairly well.


GMRS Radio Tones for Privacy

The following video will let you determine how best to choose a channel and tones combination in order to avoid interference. 

Actual CTCSS tone Commonly assigned "code"
67.0 1
71.9 2
74.4 3
77.0 4
79.7 5
82.5 6
85.4 7
88.5 8
91.5 9
94.8 10
97.4 11
100.0 12
103.5 13
107.2 14
110.9 15
114.8 16
118.8 17
123.0 18
127.3 19
131.8 20
136.5 21
141.3 22
146.2 23
151.4 24
156.7 25
162.2 26
167.9 27
173.8 28
179.9 29
186.2 30
192.8 31
203.5 32
210.7 33
218.1 34
225.7 35
233.6 36
241.8 37
250.3 38